Q. How can I schedule a consultation?
A. Scheduling is primarily done over the phone and can be through phone-call or in-person. However, it can also help to fill out our form online as well to provide our attorneys with enough information and/or context about your case matter.
Q. Is there a fee attached to a FIRST consultation?
A. We are here for you and understand that there is ample reasoning as to why you require our legal services. While it is impossible to guarantee retainment of everyone who comes in our office, we believe you should have enough time to explain your situation, without added financial stress tacked on. With that said, the first, and only the first, is completely free upon the Firm's discretion.
Q. How do I know your law office will be able to provide me with the legal services I need?
A. While our practice areas include real estate and construction, there are many different aspects of issues that encompass our scope of services. If you feel that your situation demands legal intervention, please don't hesitate to contact our offices to get an evaluation and schedule a consultation.
Q. Is everything discussed confidential?
A. Yes, everything discussed between staff and client are to be kept completely confidential for your security.
Q. Who do we represent when it comes to UD cases?
A. In both commercial and residential cases, we only represent landlords. The reason being due to our limited capacity to fully provide legal services to both landlords and tenants. However, if you are a tenant and are having issues with evictions or rent, please reach out to the Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles County at (626) 307-3647 with any questions you may have.